Saturday, May 17, 2014

Prom & Modesty

so it's prom season, and I've been anticipating a post on prom for weeeks now. so obviously I'm excited to talk a bit about it:)
I was able to go to two proms this year; one prom for my school, Liahona, in Utah, and the Mormon prom down in Camarillo. both were LDS dances so I was really fortunate--personally, I am not at all a fan of high school dances. been there, done that, never want to go back..hahaha. buut that's me and my opinion!
so I want to talk about each dance, my dates, the events, and of course modesty. I can't say how proud I was of all of the girls I saw at school proms that were modest and stuck to their standards--way to go girls! I'm very proud of you all. but, I am sure your parents and your date were even more proud of you.

here's my prom picture from prom with my school. :)

a little back-story: so as most of you know, I attend Liahona Preparatory Academy. it's located in Pleasant Grove, Utah, but I watch the classes live online each day. I started going there at the start of my Junior year and I absolutely fell in love with the school! I love the teachers, the students, and the education. I've been up there 4 times in total for school events, prom being two of those.
so I got the chance to go with Jacen, one of my friends at school. he's awesome! I loved being able to get closer with him and a few of my other friends while I was there all week. I seriously do not know what I'd do without all of them. he was a great date and I'm glad I could go with him!

and here's one from Mormon prom. :)

my good friend Jake asked me to Mormon prom and I got super excited--Mormon prom is always soo much fun. and it totally was! we got to go with Jake's group of friends from church. I swear Mormon's just have the best time anywhere they go. haha. I love it! Jake was an awesome date, such a gentleman! the boys made sure us girls had a really fun time the whole night! it was such a great last prom. I'm super lucky I had the chance to go with Jake! haha

as promised, I want to talk a bit about prom and modesty. two very touchy words when used in the same sentence.
**I want to start off by saying that I am not in any way judging anyone by what they wore to prom or what they wear in general--I will be sharing my personal feelings and experiences.**
as you can see above and below, I'm covered head to toe. at dinner each night I remember sitting down and not having to worry about anything: no cleavage showing, no straps showing, no dress too short, no sleeves too short or showy--nothing. it was great.
so here's a shot of the back of my dress:

Jake looks super worried, but no I did not stab him while putting on the boutonniere..hahaha
I hate prom dress shopping, honestly. it is soo hard finding modest dresses these days, it makes me sad. I tried on about 7 but would have had to modify or alter all of them--which is very often the case, but we're beyond willing to do that for a good cause! my dress had sleeves, but they were sheer just like the rest of the top. for me, sheer tops are not modest. I found the grey top, pictured above, in a Downeast at University Mall in Provo. it's not a shade and was a bit see-through, so I wore a shade underneath. it worked perfectly!

guys, I may seem like I'm going a little over the top with this modesty thing, but I can't begin to tell you all how much of a difference it made.
I wasn't worried about my date looking at me the way I wouldn't want him to. I didn't need to worry about sitting a certain way, or hiking up my top, or pulling the bottom of my dress down because it was too short. I didn't need to worry about that the whole night! I felt so comfortable being covered.

what was really sweet was the compliments I got from my dates. they made sure to tell me that they appreciated me sticking to my standards and that they were glad I chose to dress modestly. I'm extremely lucky to have had such respectful dates, and I'm soo blessed to have such great friends that respect girls and their standards. it seriously means the world when guys notice and point out how grateful they are that young women are modest--it's a game changer for us girls because it makes us want to continue to be modest.

**what really got me though was something my younger brother said. we were talking about Mormon prom and then about how he'd be able to take a girl next year. and then he brought up modesty and the girl he would ask to prom. I was taken back when he said he would literally show his future prom date a picture of me in my prom dresses to give her an idea of what he was expecting as modest. he said, "It's not distracting when girls dress modestly." umm, I wanted to cry. I can't begin to tell you all how that made me feel. such a sweet moment. haha. guys really do get distracted when girls dress immodestly.

anyways, ladies, please make the effort to be modest. it means a lot to the guys and everyone else. it really does. I promise you have just as much fun when your mooodessttt!

*leave comments about your prom and how you tried your best to be modest!*

love, megs. :)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

turquoise skirt

you know what one of the least fun things on the whole earth is?? surgery. of any kind. I had wisdom teeth surgery this last Monday, and boy was that loads of fun! NOT. I never realized how much food I actually eat and really enjoy until I couldn't eat solid foods for a few days.. I do independent study so naturally I snack and eat throughout the day(all good things, don't worry). but I'm glad to say I'm eating real foods again! hooray!
soo on to my outfit! I absolutely love that spring gives us so many opportunities to wear lots of colors!

shirt: thrift store (audrey)
skirt: thrift store (no tag, no brand)
shoes: Forever 21
I always feel bad when someone says, "oh I love your skirt! where did you get it?" literally almost 85% of the time I have to tell them that I got it from a thrift store.. I feel so bad! haha. with almost every item I get from a thrift store, it's a rare and awesome find. some days I go to get some cute clothes, and I end up with a few really great items! other days I go to find some cute clothes and find absolutely nothing. it's a win lose situation, really. but! that shouldn't stop anyone! good things come to those who wait! haha.

necklace: Walmart
watch: Target
I never really shop at Walmart for clothes or Jewelry, I'm not very fond of ours in town, but I found this at a Walmart in Utah and it has given me a bit of hope for our Walmart. haha.
I didn't wear a shade under this shirt because it covered me very nicely. I constantly find myself checking my shoulders to see if my straps are showing or pulling up my top in case it's too low--it's a habit. but now that I wear undershirts almost all the time, I love not having to worry about those annoying details! and I also check my modesty constantly! haha.
SO, stay modest. respect those around you by respecting yourself. and most importantly show your Father in Heaven that you love the body He has given you by keeping it modest(and healthy..I'll be doing some food posts soon now that summer is near..).

love, megs. :)