Almost everyone who knows me knows that I'm a photographer.
I kept asking for a camera when I was about 12, and got one the Christmas after I turned 13--I think. It was so small, it broke. So I got a point-and-shoot. Then I needed to experience more, so I got a bigger camera, but still not the complete package; my parents wanted to see if this whole investment was worth it... And it turned out to be, thankfully;) And then, I finally realized I wanted to go somewhere with photography, and I was able to get a Canon t3i.
Best. Decision. Ever.
I used to take pictures like this(with my point-and-shoot):
Ignore the text, I was o b s e s s e d with doing that when I was like 13. Hahaha. |
THEN I progressed to these...(my next camera was a step up from a point-and-shoot):
So at this point I wandered, not knowing how to excel from here. I'd wonder every now and then where this new hobby of mine came from. A couple of years ago, I was visiting my family down in San Diego when I was about 16. One day, my family and I took a trip to see my great grandpa, who was sick with pneumonia and was 90 years old. We walked into their home, which I had been in countless times, and I suddenly noticed the pictures on the walls. My great grandpa took a trip to Spain in his later years, and had photographed some beautiful pictures from the trip. I walked around the house, looking at all of the pictures. It hit me then--this is where I got my talent of photography, I had inherited it from my great grandpa! This moment was a huuuuuuuge moment for me... I finally figured it out, where this new hobby of mine had come from. It ingrained a new passion inside of me. It gave me reason, responsibility, and drive to move further in photography. I was, and still am, so grateful to have that link with my great grandpa.
In September of 2012, my great grandpa Judd passed away. As all people know, the passing of a family member is always a sad and hard thing to deal with. But knowing that I had photography as a connection with my great grandpa really strengthened my love and appreciation for him, even though he had left this earth. The last time we visited him was a couple months before he passed away. He was holding my hand and he told me to never give up on photography. This struck a chord, and it's stayed with me ever since. In that moment I knew that my great grandpa recognized a little photographer waiting to grow and experience life through the lens. I won't forget that visit with him that day, and I won't ever forget the new passion for photography my great grandpa has given me.
My favorite type of photography is landscape; you have to place yourself just right to get that perfect picture. You have to go out in nature and explore, and go beyond your typical limits. Photography for me is an outlet, a way to get away from the world and focus on one of the best things in this life: this WORLD given to us by our Father in Heaven. I think of the Lords creation, this earth, each time I get out and view this beautiful world we call home. I think of my sweet great grandpa for instilling within me this passion and love for viewing the world in such a different and beautiful way.
With my newest camera, a Canon t3i: |

The Lord has blessed every single one of us with talents and passions, even thought we may not know of them yet. I know that through prayer and action we can discover them. If you're having a hard time figuring it out, ask Heavenly Father to help you figure out your personal talents and gifts He has given you. He's blessed me and my life with this talent, and I thank Him for that often.
When I look back at how far I've come, I remember how long it has taken me to get where I am today--and I'm still working on it. Talents only progress when you work by trial and error. But the important part is trying. When you reach goals you've made, it's the best feeling ever.
So keep moving, and keep a thankful heart in all that you do!
Love, Megs. :)
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